Our Vision:

The Vision of Christ’s Forgiveness Minstries is to bring the life changing message of Jesus Christ’s love and forgiveness to the world through effective discipleship and evangelism. The message is also shared with the goal of igniting and uniting the global body of Christ for the evangelistic mandate of other focused self denying Christ like love, mentoring, radical and Holy Spirit empowered evangelism, biblical discipleship, and church planting. We hope to mentor, equip, and release part and full time evangelists and missionaries of all callings to plant Christ’s Forgiveness ministry centers on every street, in every city, and in every country throughout the globe to better connect people and communities back to God. We hope to bring salvation to the entire world, keep the focus on Christ and the spread of God’s love and forgiveness found in Jesus.

Approach: Our approach is a three tiered approach.


1.  Evangelism: The Evangelistic Gospel of repentance and salvation is brought to the streets through our Follow Me To Christ Evangelism Arm. The redeemed (the Church) is actively engaged in the streets, work places, outside the four walls preaching, serving, loving the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Never will people feel the need to go to a Church Building. The Church will be present where they are. The primary focus is bringing the Church to the Streets to preach the evangelistic gospel of Jesus Christ, calling people back to God and repentance and in demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost

2. Discipleship Training: Those who accept the gospel or desire to become a Christian and be involved are brought through CFM Bible Studies in a discipleship setting that is structured to provide the person’s with the foundations of the Christian faith grounding them in salvation, faith, love, and the Holy Ghost. They are mentored by Evangelistic leaders and members and the Spirit of Witness (Evangelism) is poured into them from the beginning, and they become learning disciples where they learn On the Job.

3. Disciples Fellowship: Those who become disciples are then welcome to the fellowship of disciples in a CFM Church plant where believers of like mind worship together, are fed spiritually, grow with each and exercise the gifts of the spirit. These fellowship meetings are geared towards empowering believers with the Word and releasing them in the gifts of the Spirit, intercession, and being filled with the Spirit. Disciples in fellowship are each committed to holiness and the standards of the word and to church discipline. It is a fellowship of believers.